Surfers Helping Others since 2009

Surfers For Salvation is dedicated to encouraging and empowering today’s youth through mentoring, serving, and surfing.
No donation is too small 100% of donations go to helping kids & families All donations make you feel good and are tax deductible

Next Mission Trip
June 2024

Miramar, Nicaragua


120+ shots - 320+ followers

Nicolas Turner
President / Founder

Nic has a strong desire to share God’s love with our youth, while helping them establish a foundational relationship with Christ that they can carry with them into the future.

Chad Parvin
Vice President

Chad is an integral part of SFS helping with every aspect of our missions and operations so our reach can help as many as possible.


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How do we help people?

SCHOOL UNIFORMS / Attending school in Nicaragua is free, but ONLY if students have the REQUIRED school uniform and supplies. Our first mission in 2009 was to provide children with school uniforms, backpacks, shoes, and enough school supplies for the entire year. We work closely with local pastors and other community leaders that select students in their community that want to further their education; these leaders hold the students & their parents account for attending school. Each year we add 5 new students and today we have over 75 students who we sponsor annually. We support our students who continue on to University by providing laptop computers, assisting with travel expenses and subsidizing courses. Our hope is that these kids what will be able to make real change in their community one day.

CLEAN WATER / We partner with Filters of Hope, to share clean water and the gospel with people in Nicaragua who are in need of both. Filter of Hope believes no one should live without clean drinking water, and everyone deserves the opportunity to know Christ. During our trips, we purchase buckets, assemble the water filter kits, and meet with families in different communities throughout the country to educate and teach them the value of the filters and share Christ.

OURTREACH / In 2016, one of the kids we brought on our mission trip had the idea to provide hygiene kits to families because he just learned about the importance of hygiene in school. Since then, we have been providing hygiene kits and other necessities to families including but not limited to: soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste, feminine hygiene products, mosquito coils and matches.

Nice to know our dollars keep on working for months after we leave.

SURF MISSION TRIP / Part of our purpose is to take kids from our own community on a surf trip and have them involved in our mission work. Our hope is that this surf mission trip will be a powerful, life-changing experience that broadens their perspective, gives them better direction, teaches them a foreign culture, and draws them closer to God. The most important thing we do on our mission is found in the relationships we build, the seeds of faith we plant, the depths of hope we dig, and the healing love of Jesus Christ we share.

2016 Mission - Miramar, Nicaragua
Just some surfers who are helping along the way.

2016 Mission - Miramar, Nicaragua

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Next Mission Trip
June 2024

Miramar, Nicaragua